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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Voxengo TransGainer v1.10 Incl Keygen (WiN and OSX)
Voxengo TransGainer v1.10 Incl Keygen (WiN and OSX)

SiZE : 6.8 MB/15.9 MB

TransGainer, an audio plug-in suitable for a wide range of professional music production uses, implements an audio signal envelope adjustment algorithm that reacts on transients rather than on a signal's loudness level. This algorithm allows you to adjust the volume of attack and sustain stages of any sounds you use it on. TransGainer was designed in a way to be suitable for all possible sound sources – be it individual tracks or full mixes.

In many cases TransGainer can be used in place of gate and expander plug-ins while delivering a better sound and offering an easier control. Beside that, TransGainer can be used for audio recording restoration/re-mastering purposes and reverb tail modifications with excellent results, according to Voxengo.

TransGainer allows you to specify gain adjustments for a sound's transient and sustain stages separately. You can also choose an expected average time between transients so that algorithm delivers you the most precise results possible.

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 436 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Incl, v1.10, (Win, Voxengo, Keygen, and, TransGainer, OSX) | Rating: 0.0/0
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