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Voxengo Marquis Compressor v2.6 x64 VST VST3

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Marquis Compressor is a “universal” compressor AAX, AudioUnit and VST plugin for professional sound and music production applications. You’ll find a very smooth compression performance in this compressor, coupled with a harmonically-rich sound, both suitable for mixing and mastering. Being “universal” this compressor can be used on a wide range of sound material: individual tracks, stems and mixes, producing “clean” or “colored” sound.

Marquis Compressor plugin was built around a tube triode-modeled amplifier cascade. At low Drive settings this cascade produces a mild harmonic coloration while at higher Drive settings you can get a brutal tube saturation which works great for drums, bass and vocals. At moderate Drive settings this cascade can add a pleasant grit to the mix.

Marquis Compressor features a unique “round” signal level detection algorithm, which creates a very open, punchy, compressed sound with an impressive transient response. Beside this, Marquis Compressor offers a classic feedback (opto) compression mode switchable to a more common feed-forward compression.

Marquis Compressor carries 3 distinctive compression algorithms, one of them (T3) being modeled after a classic analog compressor. The Gate algorithm is also available which is handy at reducing drum bleed in drum tracks.
for testing purposes, support the developer if possible!
install then replace .dll/.vst3 with patched files [x64 VST/VST3 only!]

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Category: WiN | Views: 352 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Marquis, x64, v2.6, VST3, VST, Voxengo, Compressor | Rating: 0.0/0
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