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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Voxengo EBusLim v1.2 Incl Keygen (WIN OSX)
Voxengo EBusLim v1.2 Incl Keygen (WIN OSX)

Team R2R | WIN: 7.5MB | OSX: 24.0MB

EBusLim is a brickwall peak limiter and loudness maximization AAX, AudioUnit and VST plugin for professional streaming, sound and music production applications. EBusLim implements a single EL-4-based limiter mode originally designed in Elephant mastering limiter plug-in. This mode is suitable for bus, drum bus, master bus and track processing. The design idea behind EBusLim is to produce an extremely easy-to-use yet effective limiter.

Since EBusLim only features a single processing mode the processing latency was reduced down to 0.5 milliseconds permitting the use of this limiter as master bus overload protector for both stereo and multi-channel real-time applications.

EBusLim features:
Elephant-plug-in-quality limiter mode
Extreme ease of use
Stereo and multi-channel processing
Preset manager
64-bit floating point processing
All sample rates support
0.5 ms compensated processing latency
Retina and HighDPI support
Jun 2, 2019: Voxengo EBusLim version 1.2 is now available for download. Voxengo EBusLim is a brickwall peak limiter and loudness maximization plugin for professional audio and sound production applications, available in AAX, AudioUnit, VST and VST3 plug-in formats (including native 64-bit support), for macOS (v10.7 and later), and Windows computers.

Changes in version 1.2:

Added ProTools 12+ AAX64 support.
Added preset manager and bypass button.
Added Retina support on macOS, and automatic high-resolution UI size adjustment on Windows.
15% lower CPU usage on AVX2-capable processors (in 64-bit mode).

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 559 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: v1.2, EBusLim, OSX), Voxengo, Keygen, (Win, Incl | Rating: 0.0/0
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