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Home » Mac OSX » VoosteQ Material Comp 1.7.7 macOS
VoosteQ Material Comp 1.7.7 macOS

macOS | 257.60 MB

A cutting-edge compressor that is equipped with ”DFP” a technology that VoosteQ spent 3 years developing to thoroughly reproduce the nuances of an analog circuit. Mastering grade signal processing technology can be achieved with an extremely low CPU load. The internal processing is fully 64 bit and produces sounds with unbelievable transparency.

6 analog model compressors
“Modern”, “60’s FET”, “Luxe VCA”, “Studio Master”, “OPTO”, “TUBE”.

6 saturation models of high-end analog preamps
This is used to generate skillfully designed analog preamp drive sounds, rather than strong distortion.

8 flavors that reproduce sounds from analog circuits
It thoroughly analyzes the ambiance, frequency, changes to the sound phases, and other elements made when actually passing through the circuit of hardware and reproduces them. It produces a completely analog sounds that cannot be reproduced using EQ.

4 original glues developed by VoosteQ that bring together all sounds
It is extremely effective, such as when blending further after adjusting the compressor. It also has an effect on acoustic guitar and vocals, in addition to mix buss.

Special Section
The 3 features of the “Special Section” make the sounds of the Material Compressor even more appealing. It is equipped with “Punch,” which produces a more offensive attack to enhance the features of the sounds, “Groove,” which adds a groove that undulates in real time with the entry signals, and “Imager,” which expands in stereo using techniques used at mastering studios.

→ Key Features:
• It features ”DFP” VoosteQ unique analog circuit simulation technology.
• True Analog circuit/saturation modeling.
• Accurately analog-modeled vintage classic devices.
• Multiple peak detection circuits.

• Up to 2x oversampling.
• An extremely high-performance analyzer.
• Cutting-edge transparent sounds.
• Full 64-bit internal processing.
• Extremely low CPU load.
• Ultra low latency.
• Stereo and mono plug-ins available.
• Up to 192kHz sample rates supported.

• Apple Silicon M1 support.
• Support for deactivation.
• PDF manual (Japanese and English versions)

Supported Operation System:
• macOS 10.13 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 151 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: material, VoosteQ, MacOS, comp, 1.7.7 | Rating: 0.0/0
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