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Home » Sound Libraries » Video-Presets 1950+ Cinematic Sound Effect [FOR FILMMAKERS] WAV
Video-Presets 1950+ Cinematic Sound Effect [FOR FILMMAKERS] WAV

WAV | 3.72 GB

We've created this product as we've gone through the same issues as you did. Looking for the right high quality sound can be such a pain. Not only it is difficult, but it does take a lot of time. This is why you need this amazing product.

This sound pack will help to take your videos to the next level. All sounds come in high quality and have been carefully crafted, so that you can use them in any video your make:

This is what you will get:

•2000+ drag and drop sounds.
•Atmospheres, Risers, Drones, Transitions, Explosions, Drops, Office, Kitchen, Footsteps and 24 other categories.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 353 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Sound, Video-Presets, Effect, 1950+, Filmmakers, wav, for, Cinematic | Rating: 0.0/0
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