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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Vicious Antelope Over The Clouds Phase Plant Presets
Vicious Antelope Over The Clouds Phase Plant Presets

Presets | 212 KB

Over The Clouds soundbank contains 52 synth keys for KiloHearts Phase Plant synth plugin. It is a very peculiar soundset of preset with unique character, mainly resulting in short bright and emotional sound.

Although its peculiarity, the Phaseplant presets included are pretty much versatile in terms of music genres they could be used. They could fit to a variety of styles mainly to fill in their way the sonic layer of higher frequencies with sentiments and emotions.

From 80’s sounds to like real instruments (accordion, church organ, guitar, sitar) synthetic ones and from weird plucky keys to bell synths there is a nice number of sonic selections each one with its own attributes. Mainly for melodic purposes but could also add some rhythmic pulses (especially the shorter synths of the bank).

Presets were designed with Phaseplant v2.1.0 and run best with this or newer edition

Phase Plant ® is a registered trademark of Kilohearts

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 212 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Plant, Antelope, Over, clouds, the, presets, Vicious, Phase | Rating: 0.0/0
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