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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Vengeance Dubstep Vol 3 for Massive NMSV
Vengeance Dubstep Vol 3 for Massive NMSV
NMSV | 132.50 KB
Links update: 08/04/2021
- 64 high quality Dubstep / Complextro / Progressive Electro sounds by Mirko Ruta
- all presets come with 8 fully assigned modifiers to tweak the sound to death
- state-of-the-art Dubstep sounds, crazy effects and much "Wobble Wobble Wobble"...
- all rhythmic elements synced to tempo
- no brass/piano/flute patches - only up-to-date and trendy sounds to rock the clubs
- carefully sorted into categories (Basses, FX, Sequences, Synths etc.)
Requirements: Native Instruments Massive 1.3.0 Plugin

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 1542 | Added by: shlyapa | Rating: 0.0/0
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