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Home » Sound Libraries » Vanilla Groove Studios Curious Cello Ensemble Vol 1 WAV
Vanilla Groove Studios Curious Cello Ensemble Vol 1 WAV

WAV | 56.6MB

'Curious Cello Ensemble Vol 1' by Vanilla Groove Studios features a collection of smooth, melodic and curious cello loops with an upbeat, quirky vibe.

Each ensemble section includes plucked and bowed cello as well as melody, harmony, bass and accent parts. Both mono and stereo mes are included, as well as a selection of full mixes ready to be warped and twisted to your needs. This pack features 78 loops ranging from 126 to 130 BPM and are arranged in 2 sets with complete mixes and individual instrumental parts perfect for Cinematic, Downtempo, Lo-Fi, Hip Hop, Soul, R&B and Folk tracks.

Product Details:
Cello Ensemble 1 - 130BPM G
- 9 Baritone Cellos Loops
- 11 Full Mix Ensemble Cello Loops
- 5 Outro Cello Loops
- 8 Grouped Plucking Cello Loops
- 10 Lead Riff Cello Loops

Cello Ensemble 2 - 126BPM D
- 4 Baritone Cello Loops
- 6 Full Mix Ensemble Cello Loops
- 7 Outro Cello Loops
- 8 Grouped Plucking Cello Loops
- 10 Lead Riff Cello Loops

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 284 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Studios, wav, Vanilla, Groove, vol, Curious, Ensemble, cello | Rating: 0.0/0
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