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Home » Sound Libraries » Vandalism Sounds Shocking House For Avenger
Vandalism Sounds Shocking House For Avenger

FANTASTiC | Oct 08 2017 | 26 MB

'Shocking House For Avenger' is an amazing expansion for this unbelievable synthesizer. It brings you extraordinary sounds for most popular House sub-generes now, such as Future, Deep and Tropical House. This amazing compilation provides you with detailed presets, wavetables, shapes and samples which are created with the best features of Avenger. When you want to get some really fresh, real and original sounds, load your Aveneger with this ground breaking synths!


These sounds were created for the Avenger due to its powerful sound system and possibilities. There aren't any sounds that can be created with this beast. Are you looking for real guitar - it could have it. Do you need beautiful piano sounds without spending lots of money - it is possible with the Avenger. Whether you are coming from House or Deep or even Pop scene, this soundset invites you to create astounding and up-to-date tracks.

64 Vengeance Avenger Presets
9 Custom Shapes, 5 Custom Wavetables, 8 Custom Samples

•14 Lead Sounds
•22 Synth Sounds
•18 Bass Sounds
•5 Pluck Sounds
•2 Piano Sounds
•3 Pad Sounds
•3 Macro Controls Assigned
•ModWheel Assigned
•100% Royalty-Free

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 1105 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Avenger, House, for, sounds, Shocking, Vandalism | Rating: 0.0/0
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