Valhalla Space Modulator Win / Mac
32 / 64 bits | 2.70 MB Win/6.59 MB Mac
Check links: 02/05/2020 All links are alive!
Earth Shattering Kaboom.
ValhallaSpaceModulator is our take on flanging. Eleven algorithms allow you to get through-zero flanging, barberpole flanging, detuning, doubling, strange echoes, reverbs, and all sorts of effects that defy description.
ValhallaSpaceModulator is FREE for anyone who has purchased a plugin directly from Valhalla DSP! Just fill out a survey, and ValhallaSpaceModulator is added to your user account!
Simple user interface
11 modulation modes, allowing for a variety of flanging, detuning, barberpole, reverb, and just plain strange effects
Mono/stereo in, stereo out
Extensive presets, for all sorts of useful and weird sounds
Compatible with OSX (VST 32/64-bit, AU 32/64-bit, AAX 64-bit, RTAS) and Windows (VST 32/64-bit, AAX 64-bit, RTAS)
ValhallaDSP plugins are self documenting. Just roll over the controls to read the tool tip on the bottom left of the plugin.
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