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URM Academy Fast Track Post Production Effects TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 1.40 GB

Hello URM students!
For those of you who don’t know me, I have been a producer for over 15 years and worked with bands like Machine Head, Attila, and Vinyl Theater among many, many others. I’m a co-founder of URM Academy and Drumforge, and I’m told that I have the strongest jacket game in the business!

I’m very excited to share this Fast Track with you which goes into extreme detail about all the post-production techniques I’ve developed over the years, from glitches and chops to effects like bitcrush and the lofi sound you’ve heard on many metal and metalcore records. These can be incredibly effective ways to add interest, energy and dynamics to a song, and by the time you complete this Fast Track you’ll have a huge bag of tricks at your disposal.

Remember, moderation is key: don’t throw all of these in every song. Use them sparingly for maximum effects.

Happy mixing,
Joel Wanasek

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 303 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: post, tutorial, Track, Academy, Production, Effects, fast, URM | Rating: 0.0/0
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