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Home » MiDi, SF, GIG, AKAi » Unison Drum & Bass MIDI Drum Collection MiDi
Unison Drum & Bass MIDI Drum Collection MiDi

MiDi | 40 MB
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“Instantly Create Perfect Drum & Bass Drum Patterns With Over 250 Drag & Drop MIDI Files.”

About The Pack
Drum & Bass patterns are powerful, complex, and are one of the fastest BPM genres to create… That makes them a unique challenge.
The fast pace creates complex kick drum patterns, snares that can jump on-and-off beat, and hi-hats that are dynamic, unique, and move the entire track forward.
These Drum & Bass patterns will allow you to create the tracks you’ve always imagined yourself making.
We’ve included all the top proven, hit drum patterns for you in the Unison Drum & Bass MIDI Drum Collection.

With the Unison Drum & Bass MIDI Drum Collection you’ll be able to:

Make professional-quality music with 50 unique MIDI drum kits (250+ total patterns)
​Make your music connect with people on a deep primal level and get them dancing.
Master your workflow by using plug-and-play, pro-level drum patterns
Release radio-worthy music consistently to get the plays and recognition you deserve
​Create addictive tracks that make people want to listen on repeat
Make your music instantly stand out from the rest by using hit drum patterns
It’s the easiest and most effective way for you to create high-quality Drum & Bass drum patterns and boost your chances of making a hit song.

You’ll quickly select from over 250 drum patterns available at your fingertips…

Drag & drop them into your projects and create professional-sounding drum grooves instantly.

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Category: MiDi, SF, GIG, AKAi | Views: 468 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Unison, midi, Collection, Bass, drum | Rating: 0.0/0
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