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Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » unEarthed Sampling The Derelict Kit KONTAKT
unEarthed Sampling The Derelict Kit KONTAKT

Team DECiBEL | 6.3MB

Once upon a time, the area near Ennis Montana was ripe with copper and silver mining sites. These areas have since dried up leaving behind tons of old mining tools and equipment.

Long derelict and out of commission, we decided to bang on a handful of these pieces of mining history turning them into an action packed, tension filled, or horrific metallic percussion Kontakt instrument.

The GUI is extremely versatile and can drastically alter the sound and timbre of this instrument! The Derelict Kit may be small in size and price, but it is HUGE in sound. Thanks to the pitch knob, it can sound downright huge or extremely small in size. Also available on the GUI are EQ (with low, mid, and hi control knobs), a LPF (also mapped to the modwheel), a grit knob to add distortion, a reverb knob to control the amount of reverb, and lastly an attack knob to control the attack of the samples.

Just check out the video walkthrough to the right to see just how cinematic and awesome this lib sounds!

Vitals about the instrument unEarthed
- Cinematically struck derelict mining equipment... recorded in Montana... in the middle of nowhere
- Extremely cinematic metal percussion
- 3 main patches each with a different convolution reverb style. HALL, ROOM, and LONG.
- 4 designed FX patches
- Great instrument for Sci Fi, Horror, and Action cues
- 7 Kontakt Instruments
- Highly (and easily) tweakable GUI
- A GRIT KNOB to add distortion... gritty!
- A LPF controllable via the knob on the GUI or modwheel!
- Amount of Reverb controllable right on the GUI
- Control the High, Mid, and LO EQ tweaks from the GUI
- Control the attack of each patch from the GUI
- Cinematic tensionfilled awesomeness out of the box!
- For the FULL version of Kontakt 5+

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Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill | Views: 548 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Sampling, the, Kit, unearthed, DERELICT, Kontakt | Rating: 0.0/0
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