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UNDRGRND Sounds Classic UK Garage Presets MiDi Massive Presets

MiDi Massive Presets | 122.29 KB

Lock and load with 50 Massive presets inspired by the heyday of UKG and 2-step! From DX-style organs and funky subs to sweet keys and slick synth leads, it’s pure garage and bass - UK style!

Packed with serious bass sounds, super-slick synths, lush poly keys and classic garage chords and stabs, this Massive bank is a melodic goldmine of sounds that revives the classic UK garage vibe perfectly!

As always, each Massive preset has been custom built to offer maximum authenticity and usability, giving you the right tone, timbre and tweak ability you need right out of the box. Each preset is offered with intuitive macro controls for the key parameters so you can sculpt the sounds to fit any track or mix with the minimum of fuss.

And for added inspiration we’ve bundle in over 50 key-labeled MIDI files! Simply load up the MIDI in your DAW and start auditioning presets to get your next garage anthem going.
Please Note: This collection contains presets only. Native Instruments’ Massive 1.5+ is required to use this product.

NI Massive 1.5+ Presets:

24 Bass Presets
3 Lead Presets
2 Pad Presets
12 Poly Presets
11 Stab Presets

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 599 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: sounds, UK, Classic, garage, midi, UNDRGRND, presets, massive | Rating: 0.0/0
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