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Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » Umlaut Audio Rhythmic Loops Vol. 1 KONTAKT
Umlaut Audio Rhythmic Loops Vol. 1 KONTAKT


Featuring a variety of cinematic-hybrid loops, this instrument consisting of 25 different rhythmic loops will help add rhythmic intensity to your scores.

This instrument uses our standard shell engine, that is a perfect container for playback of all kinds of loops and samples. With an essential set of effects ready to go, the standard shell will streamline the use of loops within your productions. Each of the rhythmic loops have individual stems for each layer, and these can be mixed and matched with stems of other loops to create your own set of unique rhythmic loops.
- Includes over 25 Rhythmic Loops with multiple stems per loop
- Tailor-made for use in a variety of scoring situations.
- Sounds range from dark, eerie moods to more aggressive textures
- Global FX - Filter, Lo-Fi, Distortion, Solid EQ, Delay, Modulation, Convolution Reverb
- Step sequencer for volume, pan and pitch

Requires NI Kontakt FULL v5.8.1 or higher!

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Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill | Views: 406 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Loops, Vol., Umlaut, Kontakt, Audio, Rhythmic | Rating: 0.0/0
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