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UJAM Finisher RETRO v1.2.0

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Rediscovering glorious tones
Do you ever play classic records and think “That. Sounds. GREAT! How do I get that 60s (or 70/80/90s) vibe in my track?” With Finisher RETRO, it’s easy. Our experts have done the hard work and captured the classic reverbs, delays, flangers, tubes, tape hiss and magic for you. Just load RETRO and go!

A complex web of effects
RETRO is so much more than just one effect. Each of its modes is a web of up to 20 interconnected sound modules. It’s like having a huge pedal board AND rack of studio gear with everything set just right.

What’s in There?
Like Instagram filters for your audio.

50 modes presented in decades, from 60-90s.

100 individual presets created from the modes.

FINISHER and VARI knobs for fast, easy tweaking.
A witch doesn't think UJAM plugins can be properly cracked by one with no coding experience.

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Category: WiN | Views: 209 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: FINISHER, UJAM, v1.2.0, Retro | Rating: 0.0/0
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