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Udemy The Circle of Fifths for Guitarists TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 1.47 GB
Links update: 31/08/2024

Understanding The Circle of Fifths & Its Many Uses

Jared Cattoor will walk you through the meaning behind the daunting circle of fifths (AKA the circle of fourths) and teach you its many practical uses. Broken down into 5 easy to digest videos and accompanied by colorful charts and workbooks to help you learn!

Here are just a few things you'll be able to do quickly and easily after learning how to use the Circle of Fifths…

Know the notes of any scale
Know the chords of any key
Recognize key signatures
Quickly know how many sharps/flats are in any key
And so much more!
As you go along, you'll get a primer on chord voicings, scale construction, and scale harmonization. To reinforce what you learn in the videos, we've included some puzzles and worksheets, plus written explanations.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1049 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: the, Udemy, for, of, Circle, Guitarists, tutorial, Fifths | Rating: 0.0/0
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