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Home » Tutorial » Udemy Sound Design + Arrangement The Mainstream Top 40 TUTORiAL
Udemy Sound Design + Arrangement The Mainstream Top 40 TUTORiAL

P2P | 23 January 2019 | 261 MB

Learn sound design and composition by using songs from the Mainstream Top 40 as case studies

This CScales course will cover the sound design and arrangementof 4 Mainstream Top 40 songs from different genres and years. The goal is to make sound design easier to understand in the context of a song's composition. We will be covering design in a way that is abstract and easy to replicate. Students will be able to learn the sound design concepts and re-create their own unique songs in relation to their own.

By re-creating the sounds and understanding the composition of top 40 songs you will learn:

How to use Harmor and Sytrus, two of the most power synthesizers Native to FL Studio

How to create sounds using Additive, Subtractice, and FM synthesis.

How to design sounds intuitively.

Exercises that teach you fundamentals of sound design

Understand basic song arrangement

How to produce in a way that is easy to understand, creating REAL sounds

We make music simple. You will walk away with skills and confidence of how to work with FL Studio and create your own sounds. It doesn’t require any musical experiences at all. Just learn and have fun!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 730 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: tutorial, 40, Design, Udemy, Arrangement, the, Top, Sound, mainstream | Rating: 0.0/0
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