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Udemy Singing: Increasing Your Vocal Range TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 1.09 GB
Links update: 03/06/2024

Vocal workouts to get you singing higher, louder & stronger with more flexibility

Welcome to my course How to Sing: Increase Vocal Range, Blend Registers & Agility - A Singers Guide to Increasing Vocal Range, Blending Vocal Registers and Improving Voice Flexibility.

As a vocal coach for over 20 years to both professional and amateur singers (and a performer myself), the most common questions I receive are:

"How can I increase my vocal range"?

"How do I get rid of my vocal break?",

"How do I increase flexibility in my voice"?

Well, I am glad you found me….because that's why I created this course.

Some singers are satisfied with nice tone and can sing standard songs in basic vocal ranges.

But what if you want more?

What if you don't want to be stressed about reaching those high notes?

What if you could get rid of that 2 voice sound - your high voice (soft and breathy), and your medium to low voice (full, loud and strong), and create a whole, healthy, resonant voice across your whole vocal range?

What would it look like….well what would it SOUND like, to be able to have the confidence and flexibility to know that no matter what you need to sing, you KNOW you have the skills to make a song sound flawless and well…..easy.

This course will add to your vocal tool kit some simple techniques to help you expand the boundaries of what your voice can do.

Learn to sing those higher notes (or lower if that's you're thing) with ease.

Get rid of that annoying vocal break for a well rounded, full voice through ALL your vocal range;

Increase flexibility in your voice to sing those trills and licks you have always wanted.


I would love you to join me as I teach you the following:

1. Over 1.5 hours of video content;

2. Over 1 hour of downloadable MP3 piano scales;

3. Vocal exercises to:

Blend Vocal Registers;
Increase Vocal Range;
Improve Voice Flexibility;
4. A cheat sheet print out to help with your practice;

5. The Singing Dictionary Ebook of common singing terms;

5. Q&A videos of most common voice questions (Have you ever wondered what chest voice//head voice really means? What is falsetto?);

6. Placement Imagery Exercises: A simple 'mind/thinking' technique that will help strengthen and expand your vocal range;

7. A way to find YOUR Vocal Range (soprano, mezzo, alto, tenor, baritone, bass) with videos on voice classification & vocal registers.

And of course, what you get with ALL my courses:

8. Meet other students from all over the world - join our singing community! We have created a lovely little family of awesome singers and become great friends;

9. You can ask any questions on our discussion board and I will answer them personally.

If you have some experience with singing technique and would like to expand your skills - this is a 'take you to the next level' course.

I look forward to having you as my student - come join our amazing community of singers from all across the world - we would love to have you.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1198 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Singing:, Udemy, tutorial, your, Range, vocal, Increasing | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 5
1 Mahmoud  
0 Spam
The link does not work. I want this course very much, please

2 shlyapa  
Links updated!

5 Mahmoud  
0 Spam
Thank you Can you provide me with this course please? This is the link to the course https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-maqamat-leve2/ :(

3 support  
0 Spam

4 shlyapa  

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