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Udemy How To Write A Rock Song TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 3.37 GB

In this step-by-step guide the following benefits can be yours:- Learn to choose appropriate musical instrument to be used.- Be guided in using the song writing software.- Analyze top rock songs in different genre.- Discover the various structure and melody line of a rock song.- Get free top rock song lyrics, chords and tabs.- Be guided in writing your own rock song.- Impress your family and friends in your newfound talent of writing rock song.- Be known as a composer of rock music.- Become a rock star performer easily and quickly.- And much more.

What you'll learn

How to Write a Rock Song

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 332 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: song, Write, rock, to, tutorial, Udemy, How | Rating: 0.0/0
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