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Home » Tutorial » Udemy Ear Training Bootcamp for Guitar Players TUTORiAL
Udemy Ear Training Bootcamp for Guitar Players TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 3.74 GB
Links update: 28/05/2023

Train your ear to recognize notes, riffs and chords so you can learn songs and solos by your favourite artists

What you'll learn

Learn the intervals, how to recognise and find them on your fretboard
How to identify chords just by listening, perfect for working out songs
Easily master relative pitch with your existing knowledge
Recognise the major scale, the major pentatonic and minor pentatonic by ear
How to find the key of a song and chords within a key used in 100s of songs
Recognise harmony in 3rds, 4ths and 5ths
How to listen and transcribe like a Pro, taking the guess work out of riffs and solos
Figure out melodies in your head and know where to play them on the fretboard


You should have been playing guitar for a minimum of 1 year
You should have a basic knowledge of chords

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 529 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Guitar, Udemy, players, tutorial, Training, bootcamp, Ear, for | Rating: 0.0/0
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