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udemy Advanced Rhythm Guitar TUTORiAL

P2P | Jan 09 2017 | 1.94 GB
Links update: 03/05/2017

Take your rhythm guitar into hyperspace. Learn awesome techniques for improving your rhythm playing and composing skill.

Start owning the guitar fretboard! This course is for competent guitar players from any music genre. The course focuses on blues, rock and some funk, but also incorporates other styles. You will learn awesome techniques on how to play any chord anywhere on your guitar fretboard and in many different ways! You'll develop picking skills, strumming skills, alternative rhythms and even learn about using chords for songwriting. Move beyond conventional rhythm techniques!

This is not a beginner course - you will need to be competent in open chords and bar chords to take this Advanced Rhythm Guitar course.
Ready, set, strum!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1281 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Udemy, Rhythm, tutorial, Guitar, Advanced | Rating: 0.0/0
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