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Home » Mac OSX » u-he Zebra v2.5.4 Mac OSX-Xdb [AU + VST - 32 & 64 Bit]
u-he Zebra v2.5.4 Mac OSX-Xdb
Team Xdb [AU + VST - 32 & 64 Bit] | 10.21 MB
Links update: 01/04/2017
Synthesizer Workhorse with Stripes
Zebra is our wireless modular synthesizer. It combines many different types of synthesis with a powerful modulation engine. Imagine – you can create any additive, freehand or spline-based waveform you like, apply a vast selection of spectral effects, morph between those waves and send them through classic synth filters.  Perhaps use that entire sound as modulator for an FM oscillator, or route it through a comb filter – the building block of physical modeling synthesis. All generator modules, all signal paths, all effects are stereo.

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 2169 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: 32, VST, bit, 64, OSX-Xdb, Zebra, AU, u-he, v2.5.4, Mac | Rating: 0.0/0
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