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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » U-he ACE v1.4.2.12092 WIN OSX LINUX Regged
U-he ACE v1.4.2.12092 WIN OSX LINUX Regged


ACE: Any Cable Everywhere
Compact, clear, a careful selection of modules and semi-modular architecture makes ACE easy to learn. Simple but not simplistic. Compact but not limited. Clear but definitely not underpowered. With the ability to connect any output into any input, ACE is a powerful synth with tools and features ready for beginners or seasoned users.

Semi-modular architecture (with default routing)
Oscillators include pulse width modulation (PWM), sync, internal ring and cross modulation (FM)
Polyphonic (up to 16 voices), duophonic or monophonic (retriggered or legato)
Powerful glide options: constant rate or constant time, percentage range control, per-oscillator offset
Up to 8 voice unison (stack) with +/−2 octave individual detuning
2 multimode analogue-style filters

2 ADSR envelopes with fall/rise, snap, singing option for authentic analogue-style voice triggering
2 LFOs with 0Hz to 20kHz frequency range (can be used as VCOs)
2 multiplex modules for signal mixing / crossfading, ring modulation, amplitude modulation etc.
1 syncable and loopable ramp generator
Mixer with modulation inputs
MIDI modulation and performance: wheels, velocity, pressure, key follow, gate, 2 user-definable MIDI CC

Circuit bending options: slop, crosstalk, oscillator cap failure
3 effects: chorus/phaser (4 types), delay (7 fixed options), bass and treble controls
Multichannel MIDI support
Resizable UI from 70% to 200%
Over 920 factory presets
NEW in v1.4.2: Support for Oddsound MTS-ESP

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 364 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: osx, Regged, win, Ace, u-he, v1.4.2.12092, Linux | Rating: 0.0/0
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