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TUMFY Tumfology Sound Kit WAV MiDi

WAV MiDi | 70 MB

100 signature Tumfy sounds, used across all my Instagram reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok videos. Each sound is carefully designed with high-quality VST plugins to help you achieve that retro, nostalgic, happy, melodic feel. Every one shot is tuned to C.

It's really that simple- just drag and drop. Combine these leads until you find a vibe that feels like you. Since they're all in the same key, mixing and matching them together is a breeze. They pair excellently with melody MIDI files, which are also included in TUMFOLOGY. I love using this method to add a little extra melodic charm.

If you're struggling with beat block or just need some quick inspiration- these are for you. I spent countless hours clicking in melodies like these to help me when I'm out of ideas. In my videos, I typically highlight the lead melodies, but these are the melody MIDIs that serve as the foundation and framework beneath the leads.

12 bonus loops are included as a treat! They’re all labeled with key and tempo, and with melody stems included. Enjoy!

Here Is All You Will Get:

•100 One Shots
•48 Lead MIDIs
•48 Melody MIDIs
•12 Bonus Loops


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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 66 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: midi, Sound, TUMFY, Kit, Tumfology, wav | Rating: 0.0/0
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