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Home » Sound Libraries » Triune Store Gun Foley SFX WAV
Triune Store Gun Foley SFX WAV

Links update: 27/03/2020

The Gun Foley SFX comes with all of our gun Foley sound effects! All 301 sounds are included!

Includes Foley sounds for the following guns:

- M249
- M4
- AR-15
- H&K Mp5
- Remington 700 Bolt Action Sniper
- Winchester 1886
- Mossberg 590 Pump Action Shotgun
- Barrett .50 Cal Sniper
- Glock
- 1911

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 984 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: SFX, Triune, wav, Gun, Store, Foley | Rating: 0.0/0
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