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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Triple Spiral Audio Stingray Instruments Inversion for Serum
Triple Spiral Audio Stingray Instruments Inversion for Serum

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Another first for Stingray Instruments, we have a guest sound designer alert. Inspired by the music of Ludwig Göransson, guest sound designer Charly Van Norden has curated 120 of the finest presets into our first ever Serum soundset, Inversion. Let me explain…

It was another sunny day at Stingray Towers and we were going through our synth collection. Got it, need it, got it…you know how it goes! We happened upon the mighty Serum and decided to make a soundset so cutting edge, you could sharpen your porcupine on! That said, to kick things up a notch, we asked composer and sound designer Charly Van Norden to create this stunning soundset. As you know, this was history in the making.

We present to you 120 of the finest cinematic Serum presets known to the universe, perfect for sci fi, cinematic underscore, tension and otherworldly sonic soundscapes. This is the sports watch of the 80s, but in soundset form. Get it today, don’t delay!

Requires Xfer Serum 1.34b

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 376 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: for, Instruments, Spiral, Audio, Inversion, Triple, Serum, stingray | Rating: 0.0/0
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