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Home » Sound Libraries » Triple Spiral Audio Discovery Reality Deluxe for Omnisphere 2.6
Triple Spiral Audio Discovery Reality Deluxe for Omnisphere 2.6

Team RESONANT | 98.1MB

Discovery Reality Deluxe is the fifth release in the Discovery Series.

The Discovery Reality soundset contains 125 presets and 35 multis and 52 soundsources and is part of the Discovery Series with 6 scheduled releases over the year.

The sounds in the soundset are diverse as music for reality shows are very broad. The sounds are aimed to provide you with a underscoring toolkit and that can be layered easily with other sample libraries.

Omnisphere 2.6 + Keyscape are required!

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 521 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: for, Discovery, Reality, Audio, 2.6, deluxe, Omnisphere, Spiral, Triple | Rating: 0.0/0
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