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Trip Digital Sound Vision WAV

WAV | 30 MB

Actor, dancer, producer and musician, King Shaw swears by the vision board. In 2016 Britton Shaw hit a wall in his life. Confused and frustrated the Los Angeles native moved to New York in search of a new wave in music, and a piece of mind. When Shaw arrived in New York, he immediately teamed up with producer/composer, DJ Journey, and Ravin Dave, Co-founders of Trip Digital Music and sound design.

Hellbent on creating, King Shaw recorded two full-length albums worth of material. Superseding his goal of just recording a few songs. In light of his kingly visions of a new beginning. Shaw went on as an actor in the 2Pac and Notorious B.I.G. bio picture. He also currently dancing, on the OTR world tour with Jay Z and Beyoncé. We are firm believers that the vision board works. DJ Journey crafted 17 loops and hits to create your sound vision, in honor of King Shaw's #visionboardlife quest. Create a beat using this sound pack, make a video of your beat, and tag @dj_journey @kingshaw55 #visionboardlife And oh yea, create your vision board for 2019. Have a peaceful journey.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 275 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: wav, digital, Trip, Vision, Sound | Rating: 0.0/0
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