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Home » WiN » Tracktion Software F-em v1.0.8 Incl Patched and Keygen
Tracktion Software F-em v1.0.8 Incl Patched and Keygen

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11-Operator FM Synthesizer

F.’em is not just one of the most powerful FM synths ever made, it’s also one of the most versatile.

F.’em is one of the most powerful FM Synthesizers ever made, taking advantage of modern CPU resources to process its freely configurable 11 operator matrix. It’s a hybrid quad-timbral synthesizer that can function as an FM, VA and Sample based instrument, with the added bonus of a dual multimode filter, a complex effect section and an incredibly flexible modulation matrix.

Full Specs

4 Layers, each with 4 effect slots.
No fix algorithms, feed any wave operator into any other wave operator forward and backward.
Wave operators feature hard sync like in analog synthesizers and offer different waveforms from sine wave over analog waves to the waves found in some classic FM synthesizers.
Two multisample operators. One can frequency-modulate any of the other operators, the other multisample operator can be frequency-modulated by any of the other operators.
Noise operator that can frequency-modulate any other operator.

2 filters with overdrive stage, freely routable in series, parallel or anything in-between.

Each operator has its own pitch and level LFO and its own pitch and level envelope.
2 Flow LFOs with freely editable LFO shapes.
Tempo-synced, loopable envelopes with up to 32 stages.
Keyboard level scaling of each operator.
Modulation matrix with up to 200 entries.
Modifier matrix with up to 32 modification algorithms.
Quick edit panel for quick and easy adjustment of timbre and overall envelope.
Automation of most continuous parameters.

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Category: WiN | Views: 363 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Tracktion, software, Incl, Patched, F-em, v1.0.8, and, Keygen | Rating: 0.0/0
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