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Home » iOS, Android » TouchOSC v1.9.11 for Android
TouchOSC v1.9.11 for Android

Android | 1.13 MB
Links update: 29/06/2021

The application allows to remote control and receive feedback from software and hardware that implement the OSC or MIDI protocols such as Apple Logic Pro/Express, Ableton Live, Renoise, Pure Data, Max/MSP/Jitter, Max for Live, OSCulator, VDMX, Resolume Avenue/Arena, Modul8, Plogue Bidule, NI Traktor, NI Reaktor, Quartz Composer, Supercollider, vvvv, Derivative TouchDesigner, Isadora and many others.

The interface provides a number of customizable touch controls to send and receive messages:

Faders / Rotary controls / Encoder controls / Push buttons / Toggle buttons / XY pads / Multi-faders / Multi-push / Multi-toggles / Multi-xy pads / LEDs / Labels / Time & battery displays

Additionally the program can send Accelerometer data. The application comes with example layouts and completely custom layouts can be constructed using the free TouchOSC Editor application.

Whats new
- Updated for modern Android SDK
- Updated prompt for permissions
- Updated about screen with helpful links
- Updated icon
- Fixed display of local IP address
- Fixed settings screen corruption after device rotation
- Fixed warning dialogs forcing layout rotation
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

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Category: iOS, Android | Views: 765 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: android, v1.9.11, for, TouchOSC | Rating: 0.0/0
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