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Touch Loops Reflections of Jazz WAV

WAV | 290 MB

It's a great day when Mazi returns to the Touch Loops roster (Interview HERE). Purveyor of all things live instrument and jazz. Mazi returns with an absolute jazz must-have! Check out Mazi's 70's Film inspired pack - Rare 70's Library!

Featuring some of the finest, soulful jazz guitar loops, 70's tined spring driven percussion loops and melodies that just ooze character - You know this one will deliver!

Digging into the pack you'll find over 150 loops of absolute inspiration. Performed, recorded and mixed by the great man himself, the true authenticity of this pack is clear for all to see! Covering jazz guitars, lush electric piano samples, analogue synths and manipulated live string recordings, there's inspiration behind every corner!

Primed for sampling, film score or building your next jazz hip-hop classic, these expertly recorded samples are just the remedy for writers block or someone looking to expand their sonic horizons!

Perfect For Hip-Hop, Jazz & Soul
So, if you're new to jazz, looking to add to your collection or love that 70's film aesthetic then this is the one for you! Eclectic, beautiful and every inspiring! Download today!


•Loops: 156
•Size: 423mb
•Tempos: 60-170 Bpm
•Styles - Eclectic Live Jazz Sample pack. Jazz guitar loops, lush electric piano samples, spring driven reverb and characterful analogue synths.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 122 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: wav, of, Loops, Touch, Jazz, Reflections | Rating: 0.0/0
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