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Home » MiDi, SF, GIG, AKAi » Toontrack Soul Grooves MiDi WiN MAC
Toontrack Soul Grooves MiDi WiN MAC

MiDi WiN MAC | 9.81 MB

A comprehensive collection of drum grooves for your next soul song.

If drums are the heartbeat of a song – groove is the soul. Something you can’t touch, just feel. It’s that inexplicable notion that just makes a beat sound right. It’s about the timing, the stroke, the velocity, the context – a complex machinery that runs solely on human parts. That’s why you can’t cheat your way there. And this collection of drum grooves has soul. More precisely – hundreds.

Soul Grooves was performed by Martin Jonsson, a seasoned drummer with a long history of soul drumming. He dove headless into the bottomless well of soul and brought back songs to turn backwards, in and out and upside down to come up with new, interesting flavors to elevate your track or spark your next idea. From the timeless ballads to the classic Motown backbeats, the uptempos, the shuffles and all the way to the contemporary soul of today – this collection has it all.

Works with EZdrummer, EZdrummer 2, Superior Drummer 2 and Superior Drummer 3 (optimized for 1 kick, 1 snare, 2 toms, 1 floor tom, 2 crash cymbals, 1 ride cymbal).
Please note that this MIDI is not included in the Southern Soul EZX.


Drum grooves and fills inspired by soul music
Close to 400 individually played files
4/4 and 6/8 variations in straight and/or swing feel
Intro, verse, pre chorus, chorus, bridge and fills sections in each song
Performed by professional session drummer

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Category: MiDi, SF, GIG, AKAi | Views: 658 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: midi, win, Mac, ToonTrack, Soul, Grooves | Rating: 0.0/0
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