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Home » MiDi, SF, GIG, AKAi » Toontrack Songwriters Drumpack 4 MiDi WiN MAC
Toontrack Songwriters Drumpack 4 MiDi WiN MAC

MiDi WiN MAC | 9.80 MB

Drums, perfectly executed and delivered in full song part blocks. Easy, quick and inspirational.

Any songwriter knows that the heartbeat of a song is a solid beat. And when inspiration strikes, you don’t want to waste time looking for one, you want to keep your momentum and get on with what really matters – your song.

This sixth installment in the Songwriters Drumpack series continues to build on the same solid songwriting foundation of the earlier packs. Just like its predecessors, this collection comes with ready-made song part blocks in a wide range of styles, tempos and feels – ready for you to drag, drop and build your songs from.

Works with EZdrummer, EZdrummer 2, Superior Drummer 2 and Superior Drummer 3 (optimized for 1 kick, 1 snare, 2 toms, 1 floor tom, 2 crash cymbals, 1 ride cymbal).


Played by session drummer Stephen Belans
Ballad, halftime, midtempo, uptempo and shuffle grooves/fills
Tempos ranging from 64 BPM all the way up to 185 BPM
3/4, 4/4 and 6/8 in straight and/or swing

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Category: MiDi, SF, GIG, AKAi | Views: 484 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Songwriters, Mac, Drumpack, midi, win, ToonTrack | Rating: 0.0/0
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