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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Toontrack Rock Solid MiDi WiN MAC
Toontrack Rock Solid MiDi WiN MAC

MiDi WiN MAC | 9.80 MB

The groove is what matters in the end. That's where the focus lies here – on basic, solid, rock drums.

This MIDI pack comes from the Rock Solid EZX and features former Nickelback drummer Ryan Vikedal. With an emphasis on mid tempo and heavy material, this pack is the perfect match for any modern rock or metal song.

Focussing on what really matters in the end, the groove, this pack delivers exactly what it sets out to – rock solid drums. Find the foundation to your next heavy rock song right here – this pack has the verses, choruses, bridges and fills to take your material to the next level.

Now, let there be rock – solid rock!

Works with EZdrummer, EZdrummer 2, Superior Drummer 2 and Superior Drummer 3 (optimized for 1 kick, 1 snare, 2 toms, 1 floor tom, 2 crash cymbals, 1 ride cymbal).

Please note that this is the same MIDI as included in the Rock Solid EZX.


Performed by Ryan Vikedal
Emphasis on mid tempo rock material
Organized in song structures

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 681 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: ToonTrack, midi, Solid, win, Mac, rock | Rating: 0.0/0
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