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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Toontrack Basic Rock 2 MIDI HYBRID
Toontrack Basic Rock 2 MIDI HYBRID

FANTASTiC | September 30 2016 | WiN: 4 MB | OSX: 5 MB
Links update: 26/06/2017

Basic Rock 2 MIDI picks up where the smash-hit, first pack left off. Meaning, it has more of the traditional, down-to-earth rock beats you can never get too many of. The heavy-hitting ballads, the crushing mid tempos, the bluesy shuffles, the mandatory up tempos and of course, an array of those fills that just seem to fall into place.

”To me, rock drumming is about being loud and obnoxious but at the same not get in the way of the song”, says drummer Martin Kristoffersson.

This pack gives you just that. Tight, solid and trustworthy drums – the perfect building blocks for any creative rock songwriter.

Works with EZdrummer, EZdrummer 2, Superior Drummer 2 (optimized for 1 kick, 1 snare, 2 toms, 1 floor tom, 3 crash cymbals, 1 ride cymbal).


• Drum MIDI suitable for any type of modern rock
• Ballad, halftime, midtempo, uptempo in 4/4 straight and/or swing feel
• Categorized in different songs and song structure parts

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 1535 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: basic, ToonTrack, midi, rock, Hybrid | Rating: 0.0/0
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