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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » ToneBoosters All Plugins Bundle v3.0.4 x86 x64 VST WIN OSX Incl KeyGen-CHAOS

Team CHAOS | March 23 2014 | 34.4 MB

Scientifically sound
Our audio plugins are based on more than a decade of scientific research and product development in the areas of digital signal processing and auditory perception.

Simply advanced
We combine advanced signal processing techniques and highly-optimized cross-platform implementations with simple-to-use interfaces to optimize your workflow.

Value for money
We strive for both affordability as well as quality rather than settling for compromises and trade-offs, introducing professional-grade products to a broad range of users.

Version 3.0.4 – Mar 23, 2014
All plugins

Fixed an issue that could Reaper to crash when switching plugin order in track FX


Fixed erroneous mapping of dry/wet control; updating this may change the amount of reverb in your current projects!
Improved smoothness of output when changing pre delay, room size and room shape parameters


Now available as v3 plugin


Fixed issue in Logic Pro sometimes resulting in automatic switch to mono mode


Resolved an issue that could result in inresponsiveness of the GUI level detector for very short attack times


Resolved an issue of the spectrum analyzer sometimes being switched off when host is (auto) saving


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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 1412 | Added by: Hellcat | Tags: v3.0.4, x64, plugins, win, VST, bundle, ToneBoosters, all, osx, x86 | Rating: 0.0/0
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