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THR MB-Control v1.0.0 Incl Keygen

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3-Band Multiband Compressor
Elevate your audio with precision and ease using THR MB-Control, the intuitive 3-band multiband compressor designed for producers and audio engineers who demand both quality and flexibility in their workflow.

Automatic Gain Compensation

Compensate the loss of volume generated by the compression either globally or per band.

Synchronize the Release Time

MB-Control can synchronize the release to the track’s BPM, resulting in a natural compression that grooves with the music.

Pristine Audio Quality

With the built-in oversampling engine, MB-Control delivers high-audio quality without aliasing or artifacts.
A witch says,

We proudly present you the true keygen for KEYZY licensing service.


AAX works in legit ProTools, enjoy!

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Category: WiN | Views: 158 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: MB-Control, v1.0.0, Keygen, Incl, THR | Rating: 0.0/0
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