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Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » ThePhonoLoops Cassette Plucks.01 v1.01 KONTAKT
ThePhonoLoops Cassette Plucks.01 v1.01 KONTAKT


Cassette Plucks.01 is a mixture of physical modeling, some subtractive synthesis and sampling. It contains two different pluck instruments with an oriental vibe - both designed from the ground up. Because of all the care that was put into making of every layer and the magic touch of old cassette recorders Cassette Plucks.01 is another lofi & tasty sounding collection.

The Idea & Process
Cassette Plucks.01 is a mixture of physical modeling, some subtractive synthesis and sampling. It contains two different pluck instruments with an oriental vibe - both designed from the ground up. Because of all the care that was put into making of every layer and the magic touch of old cassette recorders Cassette Plucks.01 is another lofi & tasty sounding collection.

Both instruments were recorded in range of 5 octaves, with 4 dynamic layers using 2 different cassette decks. Overall there are 979 samples - 244 samples per deck, plus 2 noise samples from each deck (1,32 GB of uncompressed 24-bit WAV files).

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Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill | Views: 179 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: v1.01, Plucks.01, Kontakt, Cassette, ThePhonoLoops | Rating: 0.0/0
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