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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Thenatan Underwater FX v1.0.0 WiN-OSX RETAiL
Thenatan Underwater FX v1.0.0 WiN-OSX RETAiL

WiN/OSX | 143 MB

We’re happy to present to you the brand new Underwater FX Plug-In.
The quickest way to create that "40" Drake style Underwater effect!

After Weeks of Research as well as coding We finally came up with the "Underwater" FX Plugin.
An All In One Tool Trying to replicate the sounds of popular Songs Made By Drake / 40 With A Perfect Eye-catching / Animated and Resizable GUI Which Cries :)

Instead of spending a lot of time taking off and on plugins, you can use the Underwater Plugin to get the same result with just a few clicks.
So because of getting the amazing sound very easily, you won’t believe what you hear. Smooth, Mellow, Toronto!

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 448 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: v1.0.0, Thenatan, FX, WiN-OSX, retail, Underwater | Rating: 0.0/0
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