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Home » Tutorial » The Oxford Handbook of Music and Advertising
The Oxford Handbook of Music and Advertising

English | ISBN: 0190691247 | 954 Pages | True PDF | 179 MB

The Oxford Handbook of Music and Advertising is an essential guide to the crucial role that music plays in relation to the audio or audiovisual advertising message, from the perspectives of its creation, interpretation, and reception. The book's unique three-part organization reflects this life cycle of an advertisement, from industry inception to mass-mediated text to consumer behaviour. Experts well versed in the practice, analysis, and empirical studies of the commercial message have contributed to the collection's forty-two chapters, which collectively represent the most ambitious and comprehensive attempt to date to address the important intersections of music and advertising.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 358 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Oxford, advertising, of, Music, and, Handbook, the | Rating: 0.0/0
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