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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » The Loop Loft Maschine Kits Wide Open Drums Vol 2 FOR Ni MASCHINE
The Loop Loft Maschine Kits Wide Open Drums Vol 2 FOR Ni MASCHINE

FANTASTiC | January 30 2018 | 70 MB

With drums that are bigger, bolder and better than ever, The Wide Open Drums Vol 2 MASCHINE Kit is here. An incredible new sample library where drums are free of duct tape, moon gels, towels, wallets, blankets and everything else that kills the "natural" overtone (and power) of live, acoustic drums.

The Wide Open Drums Vol 2 MASCHINE library features six custom drum kits that bring an extra dose of liveliness and dimension to your fingertips. Taking a completely opposite approach from the majority of other kits, Wide Open Drums series brings the unmistakable realness of live drums inside of MASCHINE.


MASCHINE Kits from The Loop Loft contain hand-selected samples from our most popular collections. From cinematic drums to authentic Brazilian percussion, to the actual drum kits of some of the world's most renowned drummers, Maschine Kits brings a completely new sonic palette to your fingertips.

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 895 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: kits, Loft, the, Drums, Loop, Open, vol, Wide, Maschine, for | Rating: 0.0/0
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