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Home » Tutorial » The Everything Guitar Chords Book: Over 2,000 Chords for Every Style of Music (Everything), 2nd Edition
The Everything Guitar Chords Book: Over 2,000 Chords for Every Style of Music (Everything), 2nd Edition

English | ISBN: 150722334X | 224 pages | True EPUB | 57 MB

Master chords and start strumming with this updated edition of The Everything Guitar Chords Book that features over 2,000 chords, perfect for every style of music, making it a must-have for beginners and seasoned guitarists alike.

The Everything Guitar Chords Book, 2nd Edition is your comprehensive guide to mastering guitar chords. This book takes you on a journey from the most basic chords to the most complicated ones featuring clear, easy-to-follow diagrams of each chord as well as links to online audio of 100 essential chords, making it easier than ever for you to practice and perfect your skills.

This book covers major, minor, augmented, diminished, and "special" chords, giving you a wide range of options to choose from. It also includes sample chord progressions in every style, helping you understand how different chords work together to create beautiful music. It also offers lessons on the theory of chord construction so you can understand the science behind the music. With thousands of useful and unique chords to choose from, this book is a must-have for musicians of all levels.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 223 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: 2nd, Style, Book:, (Everything), Every, Over, 000, Everything, Guitar, of, Chords, Music, the, Edition, for | Rating: 0.0/0
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