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Home » WiN » TBProAudio DynaRide v1.1.1 Incl Cracked and Keygen
TBProAudio DynaRide v1.1.1 Incl Cracked and Keygen

Team R2R | 27 Sep 2018 | 4.3MB

DynaRide is an advanced gain rider plug-in with multiple detector programs, side chain support and switchable pre-delay. On top of it DynaRide can enhance the output signal by limiting the riding process to specific audio signals like speech, vocal and bass.

Adjustable attack and release
Advanced signal detector including programs for vocal, speech and bass
Vocal, speech and bass enhancer
Switchable pre-delay
VU meter for input/output signal and gain
Read/Write gain as automation data
Side chain support
Preset management
Large and easy to use GUI
64-bit internal processing

- AAX: fix rounding int values
- Bypass: fixed latency compensation when plugin is bypassed in some hosts (e.g. Cubase, Studio One, Logic ...)
- GUI: small fixes
- GUI: mouse control logic adjusted, please refer to the manual
- PDC: improved DAW notification

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Category: WiN | Views: 698 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Incl, cracked, Keygen, DynaRide, v1.1.1, and, TBProAudio | Rating: 0.0/0
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