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Home » WiN » TBProAudio CS-3301 v1.3.2 x86 x64 CE
TBProAudio CS-3301 v1.3.2 x86 x64 CE

Team V.R | 26 May 2017 | 3.6MB

CS-3301 is a channel strip plugin with gate, EQs, compressor, saturation and oversampling.

The (noise) gate suppresses noise or any other signal below a certain level.

CS-3301 comes with 7 independent filter shaping the sound accurately.

The compressor controls the dynamics of the signal

The VU meter monitors level of input/output signal and gain reduction of the compressor.

Noise gate
7 band EQ
VU meter
HQ oversampling
Thermal noise for analog sound emulation
Large and easy to use GUI
64-bit internal processing
Very efficient CPU usage design

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Category: WiN | Views: 723 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: x64, v1.3.2, CS-3301, Ce, x86, TBProAudio | Rating: 0.0/0
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