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Home » Mac OSX » TBProAudio AB_LM v1.6.5 MacOSX Incl Cracked and Keygen
TBProAudio AB_LM v1.6.5 MacOSX Incl Cracked and Keygen

NUMBER : R2R-8305 | SiZE : 2.76 MB
Links update: 18/08/2020

AB_LM is a gain control which enables level matched and sample accurate AB comparison of FX chains.

match pre and post-FX loudness
match pre-FX loudness with reference level
3 loudness match modes: manual, auto and gain stage
FX chain drive
up to 256 sender/receiver pairs including auto channel select
automatic latency measurement/compensation
6 measurement modes: RMS Sum, RMS Avg, EBU R 128 SL, EBU R 128 ML, VU, Max Peak
adjustable RMS measurement window
bypass AB_LM
4 snapshot slots
very CPU friendly
large and easy to use GUI

CRACKED : Since software is made to accept pre-generated keyfile, we bypassed
it. All encryption part (incl. RSA key) is working as it is - which does not
have random GUI crash like other cracked release.

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 580 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: and, Keygen, v1.6.5, TBProAudio, Incl, AB_LM, cracked, MacOSX | Rating: 0.0/0
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