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Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » String Audio Dark Matter Bundle Complete KONTAKT
String Audio Dark Matter Bundle Complete KONTAKT

Links update: 15/07/2022

DARK MATTER Bundle is the ultimate tool to create outstanding textures, atmospheres, drones, soundscapes, and pulses.

•Include all 3 Engines (Dark Matter 1+2+3)
•40+GB of original sample material (26+GB using Kontakt's lossless sample storage compression)
•6000+ high-quality Samples
•840+ pre-programmed Presets
•Main Engine: Individual layer controls for Pitch, Volume, Pan, Solo, Mute, Effects Bypass, Layer •Lock, ADSR, Layer Boost, and Cut, Pan&Amp LFO send.
•Powerful randomize function.
•Dedicated Motion Engine: Arpeggiator, Pan and Amp LFO.
•Dedicated Color Engine: six separate convolvers, 379 convolution Impulse Responses, •Randomize function.
•Dedicated Effect Engine: Skreamer, Lo-Fi, Tape Saturation, Replika-Delay, Choral-Chorus, and •Distortion (controlled by the modulation wheel, Randomize function.
•Dedicated Reamp Engine: add punch and saturation to each layer and boost low, mid, and hi frequencies.
Minimum System Requirements
Requires the FULL version of Kontakt 6.6.1 or above (sold separately by Native Instruments).
This library is NOT compatible with the FREE Kontakt Player.

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Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill | Views: 380 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: complete, string, Audio, Dark, Kontakt, Matter, bundle | Rating: 0.0/0
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