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Steinberg WaveLab 11 Pro v11.1.10

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With significant new features for stem mastering, multitrack editing, plug-in parameter automation and podcast production, WaveLab 11 has the concept of “multi” running throughout it. With improved multi-channel file handling, multiple track sub-lanes and analysis meters, multi-core processing and more, WaveLab further enhances its status as the true art of mastering.

Multi-channel interleaved support
WaveLab 11 introduces extended support for multi-channel interleaved files and, for the first time, multi-channel interleaved editing in the Audio Editor. Supporting up to 22.2 surround layouts of WAV files (including Ambisonics files for pre-authoring purposes), a multi-channel file can be opened, edited and saved like any other set of mono/stereo files. Featuring comprehensive controls to make precise editing easier, it’s also possible for external editors to work on selected channels only. The detailed new selection options include highly flexible frequency-domain selection in the Spectrum Editor. In the Audio Montage, automatic splitting of multi-channel audio files into mono or stereo clusters makes it fast to import a large multi-channel file. This also allows plug-ins to process channel clusters independently of one another.
A witch says,

* No SteinbergLibraryMangager is required (optional).
* No SteinbergActivationManager is required.
* Loads faster than legit version.
* No compatiblity issue with other legit Silk and Silk powered apps.

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Category: WiN | Views: 285 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: pro, v11.1.10, Steinberg, 11, Wavelab | Rating: 0.0/0
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