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Home » WiN » Steinberg Basic FX Suite v1.5.0
Steinberg Basic FX Suite v1.5.0

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Basic FX Suite is software consisting of VST3 Plug-ins of various effects and sound processing developed by Yamaha, some of which fully utilize modeling technology. The Basic FX Suite consists of three software components: Sweet Spot Morphing Channel Strip, REV-X, and Guitar Amp Classics. When you install the Basic FX Suite, the following three software programs will be installed.

Sweet Spot Morphing Channel Strip
This processing effect is a multi effect that features a compressor and equalizer.

This processing effect is a digital reverb platform developed by Yamaha for professional audio devices.

Guitar Amp Classics
This processing effect features guitar amp simulations developed by Yamaha that fully utilize modeling technology.
A witch says,

You need the installation of
TEAM R2R Kawa-eLicenser v1.0.2 or

From one witch :
They are developed by YAMAHA. It says
Basic, but ChannelStrip has interesting
preset morphing function, Reverb is
taken from Yamaha hardware which has
nice 3D interafce to edit the parameter
with. Better than some expensive ones.


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Category: WiN | Views: 338 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: v1.5.0, Steinberg, basic, Suite, FX | Rating: 0.0/0
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