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Home » Sound Libraries » SPVIDZ Lo-fi Drums Vol.5 WAV
SPVIDZ Lo-fi Drums Vol.5 WAV

WAV | 6 MB

My LOFI Drums series continues with another collection that is certain to bolster your back catalogue!

Inside Volume 5 you will find a range of sounds all aimed at helping you make even better beats. These are carefully hand selected by a beat maker for beatmakers!

Many of the sounds have been processed through the SP404-MK2 for extra grit and lofi goodness.

Cut the faff of having to find your own drums, noises and vox stabs and instead pick up this pack!

Contents include:

•16 x Kicks
•16 x Snares
•16 x Hi-hats
•4 x Noise samples
•7 x Rapper sound bites
•5 x Drum Loops

64 sounds in total, all in .wav format, ready for you to import on to your favourite sampler or use inside a DAW.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 192 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Lo-Fi, wav, Vol.5, Drums, SPVIDZ | Rating: 0.0/0
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